Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Viva Las Vegas!

Sometimes it pays (literally!) to live in Las Vegas, the town where everything requires a tip. Today I helped a woman on the verge of a breakdown with a VERY simple graphic arts issue...something I could have done in my sleep. It took me about 15 minutes to help her, and as she was leaving she threw down $25 and would NOT take it back. *Shrug* A girl who is eating cold cereal for lunch and buying generic everything to stay in her new budget is happy for the surprise increase in wealth! Maybe if I help someone for a full half hour next time they will up the ante to $50! A girl can dream, can't she?


Unknown said...

Is it too late for a career change to graphic design?

Amy J said...

I had that SAME thought right after she left! I don't feel like I'm very good, but I'm continually surprised at how many people think I'm "great!" :)