Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving Plans and Celery Sauce

Further proof that I am truly a nerd ... as if there were any question. The image at left shows the Microsoft Project document that contained the master plan for our Pittsburgh Thanksgiving dinner.

Despite the crash-course timeline just before dinner, everything came together, including the celery sauce. A co-worker turned me on to the fact the H.J. Heinz Company used to make a version of celery sauce and forwarded me this recipe.

We did take a few pictures, and I imagine we'll post a couple sometime in the next few days. Maybe we'll post some of the video Margie shot today of Felix and Grandpa playing in the backyard.

Until later, Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Amy J said...

Oh Scotty, we never doubted your nerdiness! We didn't need an organizational chart to prove it! :) My comment to Keith after reading your blog was that I was really glad that my Thanksgiving didn't involve any cooking or cleaning! If I had made an organizational chart, it would have involved a lot of sleeping and relaxation! It was a good day. I'll be anxious to see your pictures!