Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mad scientist

Just wanted to share a little experiment I did at the Jazz game last night. Here is the view from where I hung a camera operated by a remote, and 3 images from the night. Hope everyone is happy as clams.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


For a person who is NORTH of 35, which is what my Surgeon called me, I have done very well post surgery. I had not received pain medication for two days when I was discharged from the hospital on February 24. The surgery was performed using the Laparascope, so I have 6 incisions. Five of them were such that if I hadn't seen them I would never have known they were there. The sixth, however was, as the surgeon said, the deep one and that to quote Jamie "Bugged me". It pulled when I sat down, it pulled when I got up and I had to sleep on my back as it pulled when I turned on my side. I had Maggie put the lift that Mother and Libby used on the Toilet and put pillows in the seat of my chair and at the back of the chair. Getting in and out of the car caused a lot of discomfort. It also Bugged when I lifted anything heavier than my fork, only I couldn't eat anything with a fork.

At discharge I was told I could only have liquids until I paid the return visit to the surgeon on March 11. That was OK. I became quite inventive with Jello and now know who makes the best Milk Shake in Springville. Gratefully, upon that visit he told me I could now have soft foods, No meat and No bread! and drink lots of water. I am still on that regime and have experienced no problems with swallowing and will see him on Tuesday, the 31st. I was also permitted to resume driving, he told me short trips to the store and the post office which I did at once.

When the one month day rolled around the discomfort was gone and I was able to remove the pillows from the chair and driving was no problem. I was able to go to church on Sunday. Started out to just see how it went and ended up staying for all 3 meetings. I was tired after this, came home, ate something and took a long nap.

I am now awaiting the 31st and hoping he will say I can resume eating as usual. That may be difficut as I have eaten to try to be able to swallow for so long, it may involve some experimentation. I am however, planning a visit to Ruby River one of these days, looking forward to a Steak!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Idaho Falls Adventures

Let me just start out by saying that if Macie loved Keith (aka "Teef" or "Teefy") any more, I think her little head would explode! I had 332 pictures from our trip to Idaho Falls, so it's going to be tricky to narrow it down to some blog-worthy options. I'll do my best!

Enjoying some nice weather

Keith after his great fall...please notice the leaf in his hair!

Macie sitting on "Teef" and getting the bears out from between her toes...

...then she moved on to his toes!

Cute little face!

Cute freckle face!

Macie, all harnessed up and ready to climb (her climbing career was short-lived)

Climby McClimberson

Riles, gettin' her climb on!

Barbie was COVERED in bows!

Riles and her BEA-UTIFUL Barbie

The oldest niece and the youngest niece!

That should give you an idea of our Idaho Falls adventures! Thanks to Toddy and Val for letting us invade your house and eat your Cadbury Eggs! What a cute, comfy house you have, and 3 cute cute little girlies! Let's do it again next year...preferably when it's a little warmer in Idaho Falls!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weekend Festivities; (a.k.a - Uncle Cletus Comes To Idaho)

Amy, Keith, Kacie and Jamie all came to visit for the weekend. I think a good time was had by all. Macie was especially sad to see Keith go. She probably spent 95 percent of her waking hours next to him. Valerie and I were 'chopped liver and sauce' as long as 'uncle Cletus' was an option. They were able to experience all that Idaho Falls has to offer (which is depressing when you thin about it) - The Eagle Statue, Reed's Dairy Chocolate Milk w/ Potato Flakes, Reed's Dairy Bubble Gum Ice Cream, Leo's Playland (Keith is now attending Arcaders Anonymous), Rock Climbing, and as is evidenced by the photos below, Keith even had his annual brush with death in IF (Call him and have him explain this one. My sides still hurt from laughing so hard). Amy was the designated photographer over the weekend and will have to post all the great pictures she took. We had a great time and it's always tough to go back to reality after having such a fun weekend. Thanks for visiting!

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Felix is 4...and has been for a month!

Cute Birthday Boy

Rex at Gymkhana

"Saturday is a special day...we clean the house..."

Felix at Gymkhana

Cruising...Felix has good reason to scream with Rex behind the wheel

Hoping the ball will make it down the alley

Felix, Rex and cousins Drew and Matt playing Dinosaur

50 degrees and Felix was insistent upon playing in the sprinkler

Grandpa Richardson popped in for a visit

Felix being Felix

Happy Birthday to You!

Felix and Rex aboard the train

Rob giving the boys a ride

Felix and co. ready for some cake

Hi, this is really Scotty for a change and not just Margie writing on my / our behalf.

It's not on account of any negligence on Margie's part we've taken so long to post pictures from Felix's birthday; rather, it owes to some technical difficulties we've been having.

Specifically, our home PC, Margie's computer, gave up the ghost recently. Margie and the boys came home from Church to a smelly house one Sunday before I was done and called a neighbor to investigate what they thought might be a gas leak. Turned out it was not a gas leak but just the smell of a frying PC motherboard.

Anyhow, after a nerd date last week where I had friend who is a Google employee come over and check things out, we're still down a computer but have recovered the files from the PC and gotten the camera reconnected, etc. Until we sort out the question of whether to repair or replace, we're having fun fighting over my slowly dying laptop from business school, which is almost 5 years old now (but still younger than our PC). As Margie would say, they're both about 150+ years old in people years.

To get to the interesting news, Felix had a very fun train-themed 4th birthday party that was a raging success. Margie went all out, decorating the house, making a train cake, and planning train-themed games: pin the smokestack on the engine, a bean bag toss through the componentry of a train, and a variation of Duck, Duck, Goose called Chug, Chug, Woo-Woo.

The highlight for most of the attendees, however, was riding in the wheelbarrow that Felix and Rex's buddy Rob had converted into a train to give all the partygoers rides.

Enjoy the photos of the party, recent visitors and other happenings!