Monday, March 31, 2008

KJ tradition part II

Here are a couple more pix I forgot to include.  You can see Holika tied to a giant bundle of limbs before she becomes a Krishna-kabob, and pic 2 is Bubba and her pal Gi-gi emerging from the mayhem.

Family tradition

Here are a few pix from a KJ family tradition. The girls and I yearly attend the Festival of Holi A.K.A. the Festival of Colors at the Krishna temple in Spanish Fork. The ugly witches face is a Hindu witch/goddess named Holika who apparently would drag children into large fires to kill them because she couldn't be killed by fire (I'm not making this up). Alas, Hokika's murderous days were numbered because she tried to drag a young devotee of Krishna into the fire, but this young lad constantly chanted Krishna's name and was saved from burning and instead Holika was consumed by the flames.  Hence, before the colors fly, they stick a giant orange-faced witch on a bon fire and torch that sucker.  It's basically Calcutta's answer to Salem, Mass.  It's good clean fun--so to speak--and then I know Spring is officially in the air--pun intended--not by seeing my wussy tulips in the yard (Todd). By the way, little brother, your daughter's gesture to me is actually her showing everyone how many pages are in your joke book. I already knew.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Charlotte's Blessing

We are going to bless Charlotte on May 4 and wanted to extend an invitation for everyone to attend. We have plenty of floor space and a few extra mattresses for those interested in staying at our house. However, you may be asked to get up with Macie in the middle of the night when she shouts for, "Dada!" We hope all is well with everyone. Spring is finally in the air in Idaho Falls as our tulips are coming up and there is only a little bit (a foot) of snow left on the north side of our house.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

ESPN Tournament Challenge

I tried sending out e-mails inviting everyone to participate in this, but I'm not sure how many of those went through. Here is the link to join our group, which is called JimmySyme. You will probably have to create a username and password, but that is fairly easy. We did this with Valerie's family last year and it was pretty fun.

This is the link to join our group.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

time machine

Somehow my brother Scott traveled 3 days into the future to post his blog entry. Therefore, when I posted a couple of entries today, they showed up underneath his Felix birthday coverage.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Picture Mania and... Macie's special tribute to Keith!

We enjoyed all the pictures and wanted to join the fun. It seems like posts to the blogs go in waves. It must be contagious. Things in Idaho Falls are going well. The snow is melting, but now we just have large amounts of water to worry about. We went on a walk around the neighborhood Monday evening and you would have thought it was the first time Riley and Macie had been outside. Needless to say they were pretty happy!

After reading Keith's post about the "man vest" to the girls, Macie said "Keef", and made this gesture. Hmmm....

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

hidden post

I apparently named my post the same as Scott's so scroll down below Felix to see the KJ art show post. I didn't want to steal his thunder.


big 0-3

I see that Felix is developing nicely as a Clagger, probably by watching his father in action. Like father like son. What's that I smell? Oh, yah, it's clag breath.

Scott, I'm digging up some old recipes for you, but if I see a Heinz label on any of them I want royalties. Recipes are thicker than blood.

I am attaching a flyer from my show I had this weekend at the BLADEWORK studio. I have also attached a picture of Debi (my pseudo significant other when she isn't breaking up with me) from the show. I know, I know, I need a haircut. Blah, Blah, Blah.

So far I have sold 2 prints for 300 dollars, but need to sell a LOT more to recoup my costs. It was a lot of fun though and I trying to hunt down a couple more venues to host a couple more shows. Maybe when I'm dead my stuff will be worth something.

Hope everyone is well.


Sunday, March 09, 2008

The Big "0-3"

It's official! Felix is 3, and has worked very hard to be able to proudly wave those 3 fingers in the air! He had a great birthday which started early at Dunkin' Donuts, then to Toys'R'Us, then home to play with his buddy Elsa, then to the pool for a swim, and finally home for cake and presents. Thanks to all the well-wishers and gifters. You made him a very happy 3 year old.

Also, above is also our version of a snow fort that we made in the driveway after a good storm. Felix kept talking about making a snow fort after seeing Riley's.
And below, you'll find some videos of our backyard sledding path. The snow has since melted after a day of 60 degree weather this week, but the miserable cold has now returned.