Tuesday, March 11, 2008

big 0-3

I see that Felix is developing nicely as a Clagger, probably by watching his father in action. Like father like son. What's that I smell? Oh, yah, it's clag breath.

Scott, I'm digging up some old recipes for you, but if I see a Heinz label on any of them I want royalties. Recipes are thicker than blood.

I am attaching a flyer from my show I had this weekend at the BLADEWORK studio. I have also attached a picture of Debi (my pseudo significant other when she isn't breaking up with me) from the show. I know, I know, I need a haircut. Blah, Blah, Blah.

So far I have sold 2 prints for 300 dollars, but need to sell a LOT more to recoup my costs. It was a lot of fun though and I trying to hunt down a couple more venues to host a couple more shows. Maybe when I'm dead my stuff will be worth something.

Hope everyone is well.


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