Sunday, August 10, 2008

Three Cheers for Margie

Congratulations to Margie for landing a part in another play; this will be the fourth play she's done in Pittsburgh at two different theatres (of five offers at three theatres--as you may recall, she turned down one part due to objections to her character's language). This will also be her second play at Prime Stage Theatre, which is what I would call a "semi-professional" theatre.

I say "semi-professional" because Prime Stage does have some equity actors in its productions. For this play, a staging of Arthur Conan Doyle's the Hound of the Baskervilles, Prime Stage will be using two equity actors, including the same actor who appeared with Margie in Inherit the Wind and another actor, who apparently has several TV credits on his résumé.

In the intro to this post, I congratulated Margie for landing a part in a play, but it would have been more accurate to say she landed three parts. Apparently, the director is staging the play in a way that he is going to have one actress, Margie, play all the female roles. Should be interesting. Since Margie did get paid for her last play at Prime Stage, we're hoping she'll get 3x the pay for this play!

Congratulations, Margie!

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