Saturday, February 18, 2012

February in KY

Valerie helped Riley and Macie make these awesome Ladybug Valentine boxes.

Yes, we finally cut Carver's hair. It was sad to see his curls go, but they were getting a little unruly. And we can always try and grow them back out, right?

Everyone LOVED having aunt Amy here! We experienced Aunt Amy withdrawl when she left.

Charlotte was so excited to have Aunt Amy here for a pre-birthday celebration!

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Janet said...

The Valentine boxes are awesome, I am amazed that they still do that in elementary school. I have been waiting for pictures since Amy told me that Carver had lost his curls and I understand that Daphne also has had a hair cut. Awaiting pictures of her.

Margie said...

I love baby boy first hair cuts! He is so handsome. Very creative V-day boxes. You girls are so crafty :)

Amy J said...

I LOVED coming to visit and spending time with all you cute people! Glad I could celebrate Charlotte's bday with her, even if I embarrassed her at the airport with my Happy Birthday Charlotte! shirt and gift bow on my head! :D I need Scott and Margie to move to a place that Allegient flies to so I'll have cheap, direct flights to all of my east coasters! :)