Sunday, August 04, 2013

Lake Windwing

As most of you have heard by now, our Connecticut days are coming to an end shortly. The last several months have been filled with many hights and lows, so it's with mixed feelings that we prepare to move on to the next chapter of our life.

One of the things I will miss about where we live here is the little lake near our house.  It's taken me too long properly to appreciate its virtues, but especially with Margie and the kids gone, I've found great peace from taking almost nightly 20-30 minute walks around the lake in the cool summer evenings.

It's come to hold such a special place in my heart and to represent the best of our experience in such an important way that I decided to make it the subject of the watercolor painting I won from an artist in our Ward at our YM/YW's silent auction back in March.  On my nightly walk tonight I snapped a few pictures to provide to the artist to use as inspiration for the watercolor.


Maggie said...

What beautiful pictures you've taken. One of those will make a great painting!
Love you!

Maggie said...

What beautiful pictures you've taken. One of those will make a great painting!
Love you!