Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wesley James

Finally, a Wesley post! It's about d!#n time. I am making the disclaimer ahead of time that there is some blood and after-birth in a few of the photos. Enter at your own risk!

Bubba did an amazing job. She was a trooper for the 12 hours that she waited to actually start pushing, and didn't complain a bit when it was in her hands. I'm super proud of her. She will be a great mom, and Julian will be a great dad. They really are a great pair.

So, enjoy. I will snap some formal portraits of the boy when he and Bubba get settled at home.


Scott said...

Good job, Mama! I'm especially impressed that you were able to give birth with an audience. I don't think I'd be brave enough to have Keith with camera in hand in my delivery room.

Enjoy your time with Wesley. He's a sweetie! He looks so much like you, Kacie. Love you! - Margie

Valerie said...

Dito that.
I think Wesley really does look like Keith in a wierd kind of way.
Good job, Kacie. I hope you recover quickly and that that little man is a good sleeper!