Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pumpkins, Squash & Gords...Oh My!

Valerie is one of Macie's Girl Scout leaders and they went to a local farm that has lots of fun activities for kids. The whole family tagged along and we had a great time.

Entering the Labyrinth

Riley protecting her and Carver's pumpkins

Charlotte and Carver ride in a sea of pumpkins

Lots of cool squash, gords, pumpkins, etc.

The corn box

Stopping along the hay ride to pick pumpkins

Charlotte picks a perfect pumpkins

Painting pumpkins after the hay ride

Carver amongst the scenery

Macie going for a spin

On the hay ride - minus the hay

1 comment:

JimmySyme said...

Very cute little pumpkins! Actually I talking about the kids...not the real pumpkins. Grandpa took particular note of the other "Lefty" painting her pumpkin.