Saturday, April 12, 2008

Listen to this...

I have become a TOTAL "This American Life" junky! I swear, I could probably drive for 18 hours straight with no complaints as long as I had enough TAL episodes on my iPod to occupy my time. Sometimes when I am at work I will go into their archive and listen to episodes while I'm working at my desk. I decided to do that today, and picked an episode called "Special Ed." It was good...really, really good. So I wanted to share the link so that you can all listen to it sometime when you have an hour to kill, and want to listen to a quality program! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

1 comment:

Margie said...

So after I got over my prejudice of Ira Glass's (3 s's or just an '?) voice, I finally realized that I love this show, too! I rarely get to listen to a whole program, but love the bits and pieces I hear and have listened online a few times. I'll listen to your recommended show this week. Thanks for sharing. My favorite quote from a show he did that talked about how children see the world was made by a young boy, who on his first plane ride, leaned over to his mom shortly after take off and said, "So when do we get smaller?"

Great show!