Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Posting Photos


I'm not exactly sure how to upload pictures from Picasa to the blog, but I think I can walk you through uploading pictures from your desktop to the blog...Log into the blog by clicking on the Blogger.com icon in the top left corner of the screen. Once you log in you should have the option to create a new post - you have obviously been able to get this far. Anyway, then you want to click on the Add Image icon on the tool bar. This will allow you to browse for the images you saved to your desktop. You usually have the option to add five or six photos. Let me know if you try this and it still doesn't work. I think the key is to save your photos to a different location.

We haven't taken any pictures of Riley and Macie lately so I thought I would post some pcitures of Macie from when we took her to JC Penney a few months ago.

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