Monday, August 13, 2012

Weasel and I went to the Zombie Walk in downtown SLC tonight. It is exactly what it sounds like. Around 500 people dressed as Zombies and Zombie killers--naturally--met at Memory Grove and walked around downtown for no other reason than they love the undead. I can respect that. Weasel had a grand time running around shooting portraits. I was shooting Polaroids and this is one of the gems I came home with.

I hope everybody is doing well.


Valerie said...

This would scare the ba-jeezies out of my kids!

Janet said...

I can't forget the horrified look on Charlotte's face from the Loft at the family reunion--And that was a clown!!!

Margie said...

I hope I can convince Felix and Rex to step away from the mundane superhero costumes this year in favor of this alternative. Awesome!