Sunday, August 08, 2010

Rolling on the River...

We went for a family bike ride last night on the trail, over the river and to the fountain. Felix was loving trying out new tricks on his bike, while Rex was busy showing off for the ladies on the trail. Every time we passed girls, he put his chin to his chest and pedaled super fast. Daphne enjoyed her first time in the bike seat.

This picture has nothing to do with the bike ride, but I had to add it on because of the cute factor. Felix loves helping Scott with home improvement. Here he is helping him saw the door jam while wearing his shark swim goggles as safety goggles.

On the trail

Over the river

The boys go into their own little worlds when we play in the city fountains.
Here's Felix on his planet.

Rex on his planet

Daphne watching the action


Lovely sunset over the city

This was an interesting find. Amidst all of our uncertainty with work and life right now, Scott has been having some, what seem to us, prolific dreams of late. Each morning he wakes up and proceeds to interpret his latest dream as it fits into our current situation. Well, on the bridge, we stopped for a photo, and found on the rail this Post-it.
If you can't read it, it says, "Dream a Little".

Back over the river


Valerie said...

Margie, these are great shots. What kind of camera did you end up getting? Also, I think the bangs look really good - it tempts me to cut mine again, but this Kentucky heat has me comtemplating chopping it all off! I also love your freckles :) Keep us all posted on the job situation...look harder in Kentucky! I hear Owensboro is where all your dreams come true :)

Janet said...

Seeing the bathroom remodel reminded me of the time that Scott and I went to Evanston and painted the Aunt's living and dining rooms. Big job. We learned a lot--Especially not to do that again.

Scott said...

Nikon D-5000. I need to learn how to use Photoshop now.

We don't know of any job opportunities in KY right now, but if there's room, we may need a place to stay when we're unemployed :O
