Sunday, January 03, 2010

Holiday Hoop-la

I might be a more consistent blogger now that I have a PC once again. I am not an Apple. Plus,Scott discovered this morning that our Mac was not working! Why do all our computers die? I'm pretty much sick of computers. I'd rather kill trees.
Here are some pictures from the holidays. Christmas was a success despite the discovery of a few cheaply made and worthless toys. Scott had a week and a half off work which we all enjoyed. There was a lot of sledding and snow shoveling involved. Sadly, he returns to work tomorrow. We now await the arrival of, by the looks of me, a very chubby baby. 53 days until due date...SERIOUSLY?? That long?!
Merry Christmas
The boys and their IPhone
Transformer Racecar (aka: piece of junk)
and RC Monster Truck

Umbrellas...or tents to go camping in

Christmas morning choke-hold

New Year's Eve fireworks spectacular

Our snowman

Rex sings/plays the blues (considering the material, more like the poo's)


Valerie said...

Margie, have you felt any different this pregnancy? Any guesses/inspiration on the sex of the baby? I actually have felt a little better with a boy. I have still gained a massive amount of weight...and still have much more to go, but haven't had as many wierd pains (knock on wood).

Margie said...

I'm just as huge as with my other 2 pregnancies, but feel a lot worse. With my boys, I was always tired, but only sick the 1st 3 months. This pregnancy has been taking me on a physical and emotional roller coaster throughout...maybe that means it's a girl. My instincts have always been wrong. I thought both boys were girls!

Glad you're feeling better with this one.

Valerie said...

Well, maybe it is a girl! I totally thought this one for us was a girl. Maybe we should just start going with the opposite of what we think it is. :) Can't wait to find out what yours is. I still can't believe you have the self control to wait!

JimmySyme said...

WOW!!! That was classic! Rex is definitely a candidate for America's Funniest Videos.