Saturday, November 18, 2006

In Memoriam: Milton Friedman, PhD Economist

As you may or may not be aware, Milton Friedman passed away this past week. I was just reading a couple tributes to him, and today I'm thankful yet again for PhD Economists, at least the good guys like Dr. Friedman.

If you're a nerd like I am, please take a few minutes to read one or more of the following articles to gain a better appreciation for this great man and his genius:
How Milton Friedman Changed Economics, Policy and Markets

Freedom Man
Friedman's Sampler

Some of the above readings reminded me of yet another great man for whom I have much respect, the late President Ronald W. Reagan. If Margie and I have a third son, I'm going to campaign to name him either Milton Reagan Johnson or Reagan Milton Johnson.


Maggie said...

Hey, I'm finished with the book I was reading. I think I'll just pull up Milton's articles so I have something to read in bed tonight!

Joking aside--I'll see what he has to say!

Milton Johnson??? Oy!!

Maggie said...

Have you thought about Friedman Johnson. I kind of like using last names for first names!!!

Amy J said...

Well, on the bright side, this leaves a hole in the world of PhD economists for Mr. Felix to fill! I guess that's the good news! :D

Maggie said...

I was just reading the Wall Street Journal article on Milton and noticed that in the "Reader Forum" one could share their thoughts about Mr. F's contributions to American society. Perhaps you could share that you're thinking of naming your next son after Milty!

Margie said...

Milton Reagan or Reagan Milton...uhhhhhh, no. I'm surprised Scott doesn't want to name him PhD Eoonomist Johnson.

Anonymous said...

What has Uncle Scott been smoking or is it some kind of industrial pollution in the eastern USA?? As he would say eeeee.