Not only is today Veteran's Day, but it's also Dad's 98th birthday. I'm sure he would be happy to know that his family is close and is keeping in touch.
We still use many of his favorite sayings:
"He's so crooked he couldn't sleep straight in a roundhouse."
"He's so crooked he has to screw his sock on."
"He doesn't know 'sic 'em' from 'come here.'"
"Don't just stand there like you're waiting to be milked."
I'm sure Janet, Jim and Karen could add to the list--maybe even some of the JimmySyme family have picked up on the quotes from their dad.
Grateful I was born of goodly parents!
Since Maggie left the door open we have a few additional sayings.
"He's one of the reasons there is an imbalance between the number of horses and number of horse's rear ends!"
"Talks cheap but it costs money to buy whiskey." (And he never bought any that I know of)
When a baseball pitcher wasn't doing well, he would say "He couldn't even pitch manure out of a livery stable."
Grandma was mortified when James B. was quoted in the local newspaper during hearings involving the management of the hospital..."the more you stir a manure pile the worse it stinks."
"You'll miss a lot of movies in your life."
After much badgering regarding use of the family car, he would say "OK! Take the car and drive it off a cliff!"
If you left the outside door to the house open, he would say "Were you born in the barn?"
When there was a disfunctional family he would say "It's a good thing they married each other, it would be a shame to mess up two families.
James B. was one of a kind!
Great ones, Jimmy!
Here's another one I thought of: "I don't care if everyone else is doing it, you're not going to!"
Dad embarrassed Mom in Hawaii when they asked if there was anyone from Wyo. Dad responded, "Powder River, let 'er buck!"
Another saying just came to mind: "It's better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"
A little late with the comment, but with Vetern's Day just past, I was thinking about my Grandpa Richardson, aka "Pop" who is a WWII vet, and I came across a similarity that he has with James B. And that similarity is not understanding what the heck either one of them was saying! There is a difference in the type of misunderstanding, though. As a child, and even still today, I never understood everything my Pop was saying to me because of his mumbly, thick East Texas accent. And, as a child, and I'm afraid even a little today, some of those James B. sayings would have gone straight over my head! I wonder what a conversation between the two would have been like? My favorite saying of J.B's is the last one posted by Maggie. The philosophy I try to live by. And, I think "Don't just stand there like you're waiting to be milked" will come in handy now that we have kids.
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