Thursday, November 23, 2006

Celery sauce????

I won't even comment on the fact that my brother had a "master plan" for thanksgiving. Then again, I'm sure our pilgrim forefathers had a master plan for their day: which belt buckle to wear on their hats, sweet or mashed potatoes, how to make polite conversation with the naked natives at the dinner table etc. (Just as a side note, I believe that the first loin cloth was implemented by native americans following the first Thanksgiving feast where there was an unfortunate hot gravy spill in one of their laps. I won't tell you what his Indian name was changed to after that.

I think it is also obvious why celery sauce USED to be sold by HEINZ. I think it was discontinued about the same time as giblet pie.

There was a classic moment today when Amy and I arrived at LAWRY's for dinner and the mandatory valet parking was in effect. Needless to say, the valet obviously had never seen a "freakin' dumbmobile" (to quote Jamie ) before. I think he was also pleasantly surprised to find out that he not only was driving a brown '99 chevy prism, but that he also had to roll down the window to open the driver's side door because the inside handle is broken. Hey, it's paid for.

Hope everyone had a Happy Turkey day (with no gravy incidents).

Live from Las Vegas.



Scott said...

I think you've got the loin cloth story almost right, Keith. The way I heard it was that the natives liked the pilgrims' napkins so much that they re-purposed them as loin cloths after the meal.

I enjoyed your entry, especially the part about the car. As the proud owner of a dinged-up Ford Focus and formerly a Plymouth Neon, I can relate.

Thanks for making me laugh out loud, which Margie can tell you is a rare occurrence for me.

Anonymous said...

Keith - I wouldn't try using your joke book as a loin cloth - it might leave you over exposed!