To something more like this: (although I certainly wouldn't look like Sandra Bullock!)

I guess only time will tell. I'm sure you can tell that at this point I'm pretty ready to do it, I'm just talking myself into it! Good reasons to do it: It would give me more volume, get rid of a lot of damage, take less time (as mentioned previously), hopefully look really classy and sophisticated, and I could potentially donate the hair I cut off to charity. Lots of good reasons, eh? I just hope I don't freak out after it's done! One hair tragedy in my life was enough!
uh, are we the only people who read the blog? When I started reading your post I immediately thought, "NO, don't do it!" But then I saw the picture and it is really cute. I think you should. It is shorter, but still long. Just don't butch it all off :)
Yeah, maybe you and I should just start exchanging e-mails since we're basically just "chatting" here anyway! :D
I found out a few days ago that next year NCTE will be in New York! I'm planning on you being there with me!
Does this mean that it will be your treat?
Rriigghhtt...I'm definitely making the big bucks in this family! :D I'm hoping that by then I might have a job that will pay for my hotel, so that would be super helpful! We'll have to come up with a plan...
Don't know if my comment is too late, but having much experience with bad haircuts, and living with one right now, I just say...BEWARE! However, I do like the picture you posted and think it would look great and is very do-able. Just BEWARE of trying to get your hair to look just like a celebrity's. That's what I try to do, and I always fail miserably. You are more capable in the hair department, so you probably won't have the problems I always have. I think it's a great style and would look fab, just...BEWARE!!!
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