Thursday, November 23, 2006

Yummy and cozy!

I'm here to report that the Las Vegas contingency has had a very nice, albeit lowkey, Thanksgiving so far. This morning Keith and I both slept in a little...I was recovering from Nashville, and Keith is a little sicky-sick. When I woke up, I went to the gym for a little while...also in an attempt to recover from Nashville...had to do something about all the bacon and dessert I ate while I was there! :) After I got back, we got ready and went to eat at Lawry's Prime Rib. We both got their Turkey Dinner, which was DELICIOUS, and you'll be happy to know that Keith was a member of the clean plate club! We're so proud of him! :D I couldn't quite finish everything, but everything I did eat was amazing! Like good kids we both ordered dessert, because we all know that there's always room for dessert! Keith had some Pecan Pie, which he said was yummy, and I had an English Strawberry Trifle, which was SO good. After stuffing ourselves silly, we came home and had a long, cozy nap, and later we are going to go see a movie. I know it's not very exciting, but it was lovely and relaxing, and it is so nice to have Keith here with me! I'll keep you posted on any other adventures we might have! I hope you all had a happy day! I love you all, and certainly count you amoung my very best blessings!

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