For a little bit of perspective, Felix weighed 9lbs 10oz and measured 21in long. Therefore little brother is longer and leaner than Felix. On the topic of length, the baby seems to have his father's lanky limbs. Observe his big feet in the weigh-in photo below
Apart from the difference in size,

We were very slow to decide on a name. Mitchell or Mitch almost carried the day until I Googled Mitchell Scott Johnson before we finalized it, telling Margie I didn't want to use the

Well, a Mitchell Johnson was the latter of those two, which I guess also makes him the former. He is one of the two boys responsible for the infamous Jonesboro (Arkansas) massacre. Making matters worse, his father's name is Scott. That settled that little matter, and it was onto other options.
We won't have a good opportunity to create one of our signature slideshows until probably sometime tomorrow, so hopefully these photos will whet your appetites until then. Once we are able, we will create a slideshow with some more pictures and will possibly also share some more thoughts from the last couple days.
We want to thank everyone who has extended their best wishes. Margie and Rex are doing well. Felix and I are alright, too.

Thanks for the photos. We have all been anxiously awaiting Felix's sibling. Darling picture of them together!
I have officially entered Rex on PAF so he'll be linked to the rest of us!!
Anxious to talk to Margie--she's been on my mind all week!
Maggie called and alerted us that the pictures had been posted, so grandma took grandpa by the hand and led him to the computer. He's adorable, just like his brother Felix. But that is to be expected with their great gene pool (on both sides). We can't wait to see all of you. Two weeks and counting! Give the boys a big smooch for us.
So, so, so exciting! I was a little surprised about the possibility of "Mitchell" as a name because I knew you liked boy names with "x" in them! :) VERY cute little guy, and his older brother is DARLING! I'm glad you are all doing well. I'm anxious to chat with you, but didn't want to "bug" you too soon. I'll be in touch, probably today! So much love....
The IF Johnson's wish everyone well. Riley was very excited to see pictures of Rex. Here's wishing that Felix is a little kinder to his younger sibling than Riley has been.
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