Dearest family members,
I am honored and pleased to accept this invitation to the Johnson family blog. First, I'd like to thank all the little people that made this possible. Second, I want to reassure all of you that any incriminating or compromising information I have on any of you will remain locked in my mental vault unless things get ugly and I have to use them to retaliate. Fair?
Here are a few photos to get started. I am including a drawing of Jamie's, a photo of my inmate account check from the night I was booked into Utah County Jail, and the two entries I submitted to the Religion show at the Springville art museum -- only the "Avalon" photo made the cut. Obviously there was a narrow minded jury with poor taste to pass up my black and white photo. I am also putting on a couple of other photos that are part of a larger project I am working on dealing with religious symbols.
I didn't have a chance to tell Scott and Margie congrats on having my new nephew. I look forward to many hours alone with the boy teaching the REAL facts of life. Be afraid...be VERY afraid.
Welcome to the fold, KJ (religious pun TOTALLY intended!). Your pictures are AMAZING (as usual), and although the Avalon picture is cool, I have to agree with you...it is a shame that they passed the other one up. It is very striking and beautiful. Oh well...as we all know, there's no accounting for taste!
Glad you gave into the peer pressure...we'll look forward to more KJ original photos!
Woo! Hoo! Long live the JOhnson family blog.
Keith, glad to have you aboard...and safely 1800+ miles away from our new son, whom you hopefully won't be able to corrupt from that distance.
Congratulations for having your picture chosen to be in the exhibit! Janet said it is prominently displayed on an easel in the hall at the museum.
We also loved the pictures of Sister Bubba and Pippy Longstockings aka Weasel.
KJ--I didn't get the pictures of Sister Bubba and the weasel. I'm feeling terribly left out. Sigh!
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