Monday, December 05, 2011

The 'berbils' and 'Baby Esus'

Hi all! I took some video of Daphne while I was in Pittsburgh, and just wanted to share so everyone can enjoy the absolute CUTENESS of that little girlie talking about the gerbils and Baby Jesus. She was a bit obsessed really, but that's cute when you're not even 2! :) It's just a short little video, but I'm sure you'll watch it over and over and over again and bask in the cuteness! <3


Margie said...

Thanks for posting that! She definitely is obsessed. She's been beside herself since last night when she dropped another baby Jesus we have in the grass after it was dark. It's a mere 1/2inch in size, so the likelihood of finding it is slim. All day long she kept saying, with a forlorn look, "Baby, Esus, op in ash." (Baby Jesus dropped in grass.)
So sad :(

In "berbil" news, we discovered Rolly had a bloody tail tonight which sent Felix into hysterics.

We can use some prayers from you all...find Baby Jesus and please don't die Rolly!

Todd Johnson said...

Aaaahhh, it makes me a bit stressed just reading about Rolly's bloody tail. You are a saint, Margie!!! :)

Amy J said...

Oh man...a lost baby Jesus AND a bloody gerbil tail?! Say it ain't so! Any news on either front? Keep us posted! <3