Here is a bit of background on some of the pix. While visiting The Statue of Liberty, I found a coupld of kids with NY caps on and tried to shoot something a little different. The clouds and sky were perfect for a silhouette as well. The gentleman with the "Love" glasses on is from Sweden and plays his guitar in Times Square. He told me he was having an off night as far as the way his music sounded, but I could have told him that long before. The older gentleman was just traveling from East to West and was relaxing in Central Park. Nice guy. All he knew about Utah was that it, "snowed a lot and everyone looks the same." Accurate. You will no doubt recognize the "Naked Cowboy." Nice gentleman, and quite approachable for a being a muscular man in his underpants singing in the middle of the street. I'm thinking of learning how to play the Kazoo, buying a cowboy hat and wandering Times Square in my briefs. I'll call myself the Cashmere Kazoo Cowboy. I'll be able to outlast Mr. Naked due to my natural fur coat....also my trademark. The two 3-paneled pictures are just spliced images I shot in the subway where a preacher had lined scriptural cards agains the walls. You know I can't pass up a good religious-themed photo, so this is the result. I was going to frame one and enter it in this year's Relgion and Spiritual show in Springville, but ironically, the trip that produced the image also financially prevented it from being framed and entered. Cruel irony!!! I think the rest of the pix are pretty self-explanatory. I do want to point out the look on the Taxi driver's face. Priceless. Oh, there is also a rare photo of me, taken by Andrea who commandeered my camera while we were dining at a burger called the Shake Shack I think in a little park in Manhattan. The elusive photographer captured on film in his natural habitat.
Bubba and Weasel are busy and big. Bubba, of course, is playing soccer constantly. Note: steer your children toward less expensive sports such as checkers and badminton. Scott might not have to worry about soccer, but will be traveling extensively as the boys get older and are involved in the debate club, drama club, young entrepreneurs and the math olympics. The only real cost will be the medical bills when the two kids get their nerdy butts kicked everyday after school. Have no fear, Margie will protect them and fix the holes in their little sweater vests.
Todd will also probably have his hads full. Despite his lack of coordination, his girls actually show some athletic promise thanks to their mother. Sports camps will be expensive, but I'm not sure how much it costs to send young girls to filing camp. Look into that Todd.
Hope everyone's well. Again, my siblings all get better with age. Yes, I'm including myself in that distinguished group.

Not quite sure if I like the imagery of my cute little boy's butts getting kicked every day after school...hmmm. As any good mother would, I will mend their sweater holes if necessary; however, I have seen too many teeth bites accompanied by bruises, bloody scratch marks, black eyes and swollen pinch marks on each boy, inflicted by each other to believe that they will simply fall as "nerdy" victims. Plus, have you felt how heavy a king is in a really good chess set? Not to mention the stage combat and fencing skills they'll acquire as thespians. And, tap shoes aren't equipped with metal soles to simply make a rythmic sound. My boys will be fully armed!!
Check Margie Keith "Funny Guy" Johnson a run for his money! :)
As usual, you got some cool pics, Keithy! I actually have a digital camera now, so I'll start snapping more pictures and sharing them with you all. What will those pictures be of other than John Mayer concerts? Good question...we'll see! :) I am going to see NKOTB with Lizzy next Friday...sure to be an interesting crowd, full of grown women acting like 14 year-olds...good times!
Keith failed to mention how mom and dad couldn't afford to send him to Joke Book Camp!
I didn't go to joke book camp, but I sneaked into clown college. I borrowed a pair of Todd's shoes and one of his head shots to convince them that I came from a long line of clowns.
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