Here it is...finally...the long-awaited post-NKOTB concert blog! I went through the many, many pictures that I took, and pulled out a handful of favorites to share. If you'd like to see more pictures and some videos, let me know, and I'll be happy to show you! Now hang on, and get ready for the NKOTB ride...

Foofy in her newly acquired NKOTB shirt (yes, we're in a bathroom stall!)

The "Kids," doing their thing!

Wah-wah-wee-wah! Someone's been working out! (Jordan, showing off his assets!)

What NKOTB would look like in Heaven!

Joey is still my favorite!

The verdict...can you tell from our faces how we liked the show?!
The show was a lot of fun! I'm not sure how much longer these middle-age men can carry on the "boy band" thing, but they sure rocked the house in Broomfield, CO on November 14, 2008!
Finally! I've been checking every day to see some pics :) Looks like you had lots of fun. How was Thanksgiving for everyone? It was pretty relaxing for us to stay here, but we missed all you Johnsons. My only brother-in-law was around, so that made things interesting...
I'm glad I could live my childhood dreams of going to a NKOTB concert vicariously through you two. Where's your shirt, Amy?
We're having a Happy Thanksgiving here with friends visiting from N. Carolina. The boys are in heaven with constant access to playmates. Felix was introduced to the Wii has been confirmed a video junkie.
We do wish we had ended up in Denver, though!
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