Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Dragons and Skeletons and Birthday Boys...Oh, My!

Here are some pictures from our Halloween adventure and Rex's 2nd Birthday. There are also a few pictures from our most recent family photo shoot. We've taken family photos into our own hands lately with our trusty tripod. We get mixed results.
This picture was taken after the boys had just finished a huge smooch-fest between the two of them. They thought they were being pretty funny by giving each other big wet kisses...
on the mouth.

90% of the photos of us all together turned out like this.

One of the 10% that didn't

Enjoying the spoils of their labors

Heading out to Trick or Treat. Even though Felix was the dragon, Rex was the one telling all the neighbors in a scary voice, "I'm going to burn you!" After which, he'd blow "fire" out of his mouth.

Trucks, trucks, trucks! Thanks for all the birthday gifts everyone!
Blowing out the candles with big brother's help

1 comment:

Izzy said...

"I'm gonna burn you!" That's so classic Halloween.

I love your family pics! Send me one. We need some family pics.

There is this cool, red steel art instillation in the park down the street - that is where we will do some family pics this month for our Christmas cards!

We miss you guys!!!!!