Toddy commented that he wasn't able to view the pictures...I have now "released" them, and logged in with accounts I created with Jimmy and Lizzy's names and was able to see the pics. Let me know if you continue to have problems, and I'll get you hooked up!! Happy viewing! :)
Here is the link to the pictures from my photoshoot if anyone is interested in placing an order...and why wouldn't you want a picture of me prominently displayed in your home?? ;)
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
NKOTB...the aftermath!
Here it is...finally...the long-awaited post-NKOTB concert blog! I went through the many, many pictures that I took, and pulled out a handful of favorites to share. If you'd like to see more pictures and some videos, let me know, and I'll be happy to show you! Now hang on, and get ready for the NKOTB ride...

Foofy in her newly acquired NKOTB shirt (yes, we're in a bathroom stall!)

The "Kids," doing their thing!

Wah-wah-wee-wah! Someone's been working out! (Jordan, showing off his assets!)

What NKOTB would look like in Heaven!

Joey is still my favorite!

The verdict...can you tell from our faces how we liked the show?!
The show was a lot of fun! I'm not sure how much longer these middle-age men can carry on the "boy band" thing, but they sure rocked the house in Broomfield, CO on November 14, 2008!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Difficult child or bad parenting? You be the judge.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The bottom picture is what our bed looks like every Saturday morning!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Tonight is the big night...the night that has been anticipated since the summer when the tickets were purchased and the plans were made. Tonight Lizzy and I are going to see New Kids on the Block (aka NKOTB)! I have seen them before, when they looked like this:
Oh, how I loved them...plastering my room with their posters, and making a scrapbook page of what my babies with Joe McIntyre would look like! *sigh*
A little older, some of them missing a little bit of hair...but from what I hear, these guys can still rock the house! Tomorrow Lizzy and I will be a little tired from staying up past our bedtime, and our ears might be ringing a little bit from loud music and loud fans, but we'll have some pictures to share, some stories to tell, and a new t-shirt to wear!

Now we're all older, the New Kids on the Block not-so-much fitting their name anymore. These days they look like this:

Until next time, keep Hangin' Tough!
Virginia visit
Nameplate on the front door has been there since they moved into the house in 1959. The architect was influenced by Frank Lloyd Wright---wooden structure, flat roof, floor-to-ceiling windows.
My newfound friend, Rocky, the 13 year-old Rottweiler. He's mellowed with age. During previous visits he wanted to attack me!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Lots More of Amy...

I hate to bump your post down, Amy, but after seeing your photos, I can't let the Amy Johnson/Tina Fey similarity pass by any longer. And if you put your old glasses's even more uncanny! Maybe you can start profiting off of Sarah Palin impersonations, too! Or maybe you can be Tina Fey impersonator impersonating Sarah Palin? Eh?!
Lots of ME! (And what's not to like about that?!)
Take a look at my friend Lori's blog: She took pictures of me this weekend, and has posted a bunch of them on her blog. Here's a teaser:

Sunday, November 09, 2008
Repressed childhood memories
Touché Margie. Touché.
(however, that detailed description of anti-nerd defense mechanisms makes me think that you may have had to employ a few of them yourself growing up....pre-cheerleader. Repressing memories, perhaps?)
Mom and dad couldn't afford joke book camp for me because they were saving money for Todd's ear reduction surgery. Apparently they never raised enough money.
(however, that detailed description of anti-nerd defense mechanisms makes me think that you may have had to employ a few of them yourself growing up....pre-cheerleader. Repressing memories, perhaps?)
Mom and dad couldn't afford joke book camp for me because they were saving money for Todd's ear reduction surgery. Apparently they never raised enough money.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Despite the fact that my brothers are get better looking with age--thank goodness--and my nieces and nephews are adorable, it's time to shift gears and browse through a few NYC pix I took last month. I realize they can't compete with button noses and dimples (no, not on Todd and Scott) but I wanted to show a few since most of the pictures I take get stored on disks and are never seen by anyone but me. I also want to announce the completion of my soon-to-be-released website: It's not up yet, but I will let you all know when the release date is.
Here is a bit of background on some of the pix. While visiting The Statue of Liberty, I found a coupld of kids with NY caps on and tried to shoot something a little different. The clouds and sky were perfect for a silhouette as well. The gentleman with the "Love" glasses on is from Sweden and plays his guitar in Times Square. He told me he was having an off night as far as the way his music sounded, but I could have told him that long before. The older gentleman was just traveling from East to West and was relaxing in Central Park. Nice guy. All he knew about Utah was that it, "snowed a lot and everyone looks the same." Accurate. You will no doubt recognize the "Naked Cowboy." Nice gentleman, and quite approachable for a being a muscular man in his underpants singing in the middle of the street. I'm thinking of learning how to play the Kazoo, buying a cowboy hat and wandering Times Square in my briefs. I'll call myself the Cashmere Kazoo Cowboy. I'll be able to outlast Mr. Naked due to my natural fur coat....also my trademark. The two 3-paneled pictures are just spliced images I shot in the subway where a preacher had lined scriptural cards agains the walls. You know I can't pass up a good religious-themed photo, so this is the result. I was going to frame one and enter it in this year's Relgion and Spiritual show in Springville, but ironically, the trip that produced the image also financially prevented it from being framed and entered. Cruel irony!!! I think the rest of the pix are pretty self-explanatory. I do want to point out the look on the Taxi driver's face. Priceless. Oh, there is also a rare photo of me, taken by Andrea who commandeered my camera while we were dining at a burger called the Shake Shack I think in a little park in Manhattan. The elusive photographer captured on film in his natural habitat.
Bubba and Weasel are busy and big. Bubba, of course, is playing soccer constantly. Note: steer your children toward less expensive sports such as checkers and badminton. Scott might not have to worry about soccer, but will be traveling extensively as the boys get older and are involved in the debate club, drama club, young entrepreneurs and the math olympics. The only real cost will be the medical bills when the two kids get their nerdy butts kicked everyday after school. Have no fear, Margie will protect them and fix the holes in their little sweater vests.
Todd will also probably have his hads full. Despite his lack of coordination, his girls actually show some athletic promise thanks to their mother. Sports camps will be expensive, but I'm not sure how much it costs to send young girls to filing camp. Look into that Todd.
Hope everyone's well. Again, my siblings all get better with age. Yes, I'm including myself in that distinguished group.

Here is a bit of background on some of the pix. While visiting The Statue of Liberty, I found a coupld of kids with NY caps on and tried to shoot something a little different. The clouds and sky were perfect for a silhouette as well. The gentleman with the "Love" glasses on is from Sweden and plays his guitar in Times Square. He told me he was having an off night as far as the way his music sounded, but I could have told him that long before. The older gentleman was just traveling from East to West and was relaxing in Central Park. Nice guy. All he knew about Utah was that it, "snowed a lot and everyone looks the same." Accurate. You will no doubt recognize the "Naked Cowboy." Nice gentleman, and quite approachable for a being a muscular man in his underpants singing in the middle of the street. I'm thinking of learning how to play the Kazoo, buying a cowboy hat and wandering Times Square in my briefs. I'll call myself the Cashmere Kazoo Cowboy. I'll be able to outlast Mr. Naked due to my natural fur coat....also my trademark. The two 3-paneled pictures are just spliced images I shot in the subway where a preacher had lined scriptural cards agains the walls. You know I can't pass up a good religious-themed photo, so this is the result. I was going to frame one and enter it in this year's Relgion and Spiritual show in Springville, but ironically, the trip that produced the image also financially prevented it from being framed and entered. Cruel irony!!! I think the rest of the pix are pretty self-explanatory. I do want to point out the look on the Taxi driver's face. Priceless. Oh, there is also a rare photo of me, taken by Andrea who commandeered my camera while we were dining at a burger called the Shake Shack I think in a little park in Manhattan. The elusive photographer captured on film in his natural habitat.
Bubba and Weasel are busy and big. Bubba, of course, is playing soccer constantly. Note: steer your children toward less expensive sports such as checkers and badminton. Scott might not have to worry about soccer, but will be traveling extensively as the boys get older and are involved in the debate club, drama club, young entrepreneurs and the math olympics. The only real cost will be the medical bills when the two kids get their nerdy butts kicked everyday after school. Have no fear, Margie will protect them and fix the holes in their little sweater vests.
Todd will also probably have his hads full. Despite his lack of coordination, his girls actually show some athletic promise thanks to their mother. Sports camps will be expensive, but I'm not sure how much it costs to send young girls to filing camp. Look into that Todd.
Hope everyone's well. Again, my siblings all get better with age. Yes, I'm including myself in that distinguished group.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Dragons and Skeletons and Birthday Boys...Oh, My!
Here are some pictures from our Halloween adventure and Rex's 2nd Birthday. There are also a few pictures from our most recent family photo shoot. We've taken family photos into our own hands lately with our trusty tripod. We get mixed results.
This picture was taken after the boys had just finished a huge smooch-fest between the two of them. They thought they were being pretty funny by giving each other big wet kisses...
on the mouth.
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