Saturday, August 18, 2007

Uno Mas...

Also, don't forget to check out the Johnson Family Festivities Video.
6 1/2 minutes of pure insanity!


Anonymous said...

I didn't want to be the whistle blower, but it appears that grandma is slapping Felix in the top photo. It appears bad habits die hard and grandma has continued the same discipline program I was under. It's just a good thing she didn't have access to the garage.

JimmySyme said...

Karen's comments -
We have loved seeing all of the pictures. They remind us of how much fun we had. Kudos to the photographers. Of course, we are a pretty photogenic group. It doesn't hurt to have the cutest grandchildren in the world! The rest of you aren't too bad either. How will we ever choose pictures for the calendar? But I'm sure you will all agree that C.T. is a shoo-in. If you have other favorites let us know.

Anonymous said...

I found myself laughing as hard the 2nd time watching CT as I did the first.

Margie said...

Todd and Valerie, I just have to tell you about the dream I had last night...or perhaps the premonition. I dreamt that you blogged that you were having another girl...and a boy! Twins! Could it be?

JimmySyme said...

Karen said -
By the way I would never slap a child. My preferred method of discipline is a wooden spoon!

Anonymous said...

Margie, as much as I would like to post that we were having twins (not), Valerie had an ultrasound last week and there is only one little guy/girl? in there.