Yes, the attire for the family picture is white shirts for sure (just no T's for the guys) and khakis or jeans depending on what the environment looks like once we get there. That said, here are a few photos I took today while Scott, Margie and the boys were hanging out with us at Janet's. Notice that Margie, Scott and I all attempted the jumping split thingamabob. Obviously Margie was much more successful than Scott or me, but I will point out my excellent form despite my age, seizure disorder and previous groin injuries from the war. Hope everyone is bringing an extra pair of undies to the reunion because I am anticipating some serious laughter. KJ
Great pics, Keith! I hope there weren't any major injuries from the jumping split thingamabob.
Oh man...I am SOOO excited, and so jealous that the fun has already started and I'm stuck here at work (working hard, as you can see!). I am also VERY impressed with Margie's skills! I don't think I could even do that on a trampoline! See you all soon...Yay!!
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