Here is the result of the family photo. It is in black and white for two reasons. One, because I am particularly fond of black and white, and two because I had to photoshop a head or two to make everyone look alert, intelligent and interested. Not an easy task for this bunch. :-)
Hope everyone had as much fun as I did. I loved seeing everyone and being able to interact in such a casual, laid-back atmosphere. I especially liked hanging out with my brothers who I never get to spend any time with. I'm sure I'm not alone in observing how adorable Riley (Freckkles), Macie, Rex (T-Rex) and Felix (Fe...fi, fo, fum) are. If they come up missing, check with me first.
I still haven't been able to pull all of the individual family pictures off my disk. I have no idea what the problem is but I will try several more things before throwing in the towel.
I also have a few more photos from the vacation that I will put up on the blog in a couple of days. Not to steal Margie's thunder, but I think a couple might even be calendar worthy!
Thanks again everyone. This was one of the most memorable times I've had in forever. I needed it. I just hope C.T. The Clown did not permanantly scar any of the children...or adults for that matter!
Not a bad looking group, eh?? It was SUCH a good time! I just wish that it had lasted longer...when we were packing up, I felt like the time had flown by. We are lucky to have such a neat family...I hope that we can do this again real soon! Lots of love from Las Vegas!!
So I'm curious to know who has a photoshoped head. Or is that now a family secret? We wanted to thank Mom for getting everything organized. We had a great time, as well. On the way home, Riley mentioned how she wanted to go back to the cabin. Ahh, I guess all good things eventually must end. Macie has been doing better since returning home. She did, however, throw up in the van on the way home. After two monster up-chucks, our van is now ready for a major shampooing. I have some video footage of CT that I will post on the blog when I get a chance. I just wish I would have caught him making the balloon kitten - CLASSIC!
I think I have live balloon kitten footage. I need to look through my videos to see if I did indeed capture it despite Felix's temper tantrum. I'll post it if I do indeed have it. We had a great time and were sad to see it end. In fact, our luggage apparently wasn't ready to come home because it's still in SLC even though we are back in Pittsburgh! The cabin was great. Thanks to everyone involved in the planning. I miss the hot tub and the free time that you all afforded me by watching/playing my kids. THANKS! I needed a breather.
Keith, send your pictures this way. Even though I took about a gajillion pictures...I'm not sure how "calendar worthy" any of them are! In fact, would you mind mailing me a photo CD of all the pics you took...pre-reunion and all? I'm planning on sending out photo CD's with the pictures I took pictures if our CD burner will cooperate.
Thanks for the good time!
It certainly is quiet here. Miss having little boys and girls roaming about. But it was good to be back in my own bed. James B. always said "East or West, your own bed is best"
I find my own image to look suspiciously like it's been photo-shopped. Supporting evidences:
1.) my track record of closing my eyes in photos.
2.) my head looks too large for my body in the photo.
My second guess for a photo shop candidate is Lizzy. Her head, too, doesn't look its usual proportions.
My vote for the next reunion (2009? 2010 in place of the PFR?) would be further north if it isn't further east...Glacier NP. Seems like it requires advance planning, however.
If we play our cards right, I could pick up three more of the 13 states I haven't visited yet on that trip.
But I would be happy to return to the "Reunion Ranch" again, too.
The only photoshop head was Macie. I sort of hate to break that news to you, Scotty, since it may cause you head self-consciousness!
Karen said "I've been going through "Reunion Withdrawal" this week. It was so fun to be together, and I've been missing all of you. You are my favorite people, amd O would rather be with you than anyone. I definitely think we should make the Johnson Family Reunion a traditon.
P.S. I can't wait to see the pictures.
Jim said "What Karen said"
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