I’m not sure where to begin, but we had a great time on our cruise and are indebted to mom and dad for making it possible for us to go by watching the girls – THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I smiled when Macie called me at work today and asked me if grandma was going to come home with me (she left earlier in the day). We are proposing going on a cruise for a future Johnson Family Reunion. We saw multiple family reunion t-shirts during the trip.
It was hard coming back to Idaho Falls where the low last night was -8. Most of the time during the cruise the temperature ranged from the mid-to-upper 80’s.
As the pictures detail there were many activities available on and off the ship. However, the highlight of the trip – at least for Valerie – was when I choked on a piece of steak the last night we were on the ship. I will have to post more details later since I’m too tired to write about it, but needless to say it involved 1 punch in the back in the dining area and 4 Heimlich Maneuver’s in the men’s bathroom performed by Valerie’s dad. Luckily, no one walked in while this was happening or rumors may have spread quickly about strange behavior in the men’s bathroom…

Grandma reading to the girls the night befor we left

This is our room - I could touch both sides of it

I just added this picture because it looks like I'm jumping higher than I really am.

Sitting pool side was a favorite activity.

The sunsets were amazing.

All the food was great, but dinner was especially nice.

My first experience with escargot - not bad.

The ship at the port in Haiti.

Playing on the beach in Haiti.

We took second and third in the free throw competition.

Clarence - our Jamaican driver. He was showing of the wild Poinsetta bushes that grow in Jamaica.

Before the kayak trip.

The steak before I choked on it - man it was a good steak!

My attempt at spicing up my only try in the belly flop competition went very wrong - I was subsequently booed by the crowd.

Dale and I made best friends with Shawn and Deion on the basketball court.
Looks like a nice getaway minus the near death experience. I love cruises. Disney Cruises are supposed to be awesome for kids and adults. I'm up for a cruise reunion!
Know how it is with the Steak Thing. I had that problem for 20 years. Now I just can't eat steak. I feel your pain.
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