I'm pretty sure there's no amount of therapy that will help me deal with the memory of those shorts and knee-highs. That is a form of child abuse. However, the picture of Lisa and me in the tub gives me an idea for the next Johnson family reunion talent show.
I'm especially fond of the picture of me and my ventriloquist act with my puppet Jimmy. Say cheese and serial killer Jimmy. Creepy smile.
Classic photos. I have them on disk. Speak up and I'll mail one to you. Mag, yours will be in the mail pronto.

Well, that was a trip down Memory Lane with the pics from Rock Springs.
Maggie, your hair in the picture is soo cute! That is how I have always dreamed of cutting mine, but everytime I mention it to a stylist they inform me it would never work with my thick hair and that I would end up looking like a mushroom. I am glad you got the opportunity! - Val
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