Most of our garden has been fruitful this year and I had to post a picture of all the tomatoes Riley and I picked this evening. I didn't realize we had so many, but we just kept finding more and more. Riley is also very proud of her pumpkins. The big one she's sitting by is the largest we've ever grown! Our corn has also come on in the past week and has been a delicious addition to our meals.

What a crop. It's good to see that we have one gardener in the family, although you Aunt Janet is pretty fair gardener, but not on the same scale yas you. I think you may have haarvested more tomatoes in one year than I did from all the gardens I ever planted! I do seem to remember a little curly headed boy bringing small green tomatoes to me in Albuquerque, so you started harvesting tomatoes at an early age.
That crop makes my 4 plants look pretty puny. But I have been enjoying tomatoes with almost every meal. My cucumber was very bitter, so it went to the garbage. The zucchini has been prolific. But nothing like that garden
That pumpkin would make one AWESOME jack-'o-lantern! Will it last that long?? My pumpkin knowledge is limited! :)
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