Daddy's little girl. Yes, it's true, my little girl went to Homecoming. I got a little teary as she and her primped posse rolled out of the driveway in a 15 passenger van with tinted windows. A polygamist limousine basically. She looked amazing, as you can see from the pictures. Her date Skylar was a very nice young man. The only thing I told him was, "can I trust you to take care of my daughter tonight?" He said yes, obviously the only correct answer. I picked her up at midnight from a pool party they had after the dance. Needless to say, she said she said it was a perfect night. Again, how is a dad not supposed to get a tad misty over that. I'm only human!
The only hitch of the night was before her date arrived. Bubba was panicking because she forgot a boutonniere. No problem. I figured, how hard can it be to build one out of an Albertson's rose? Bubba, Gina (her faithful companion) and I went to the store and picked up aforementioned rose and some enormous needles (no straight pins to be found). We got back to the house and I was MacGivering a boutonniere when the task seemed hopeless. I came up with an ingenious plan. I took the rose, greenery and baby's breath, tossed them on the floor and stomped them. I thought Bubba was either going to cry. When I explained the method to my madness, it became clear that I am, in fact, a genius AND an incredible liar. Her date arrived and I told him I had forgotten the real boutonniere at my house and had accidentally sat on the makeshift one. Of course Bubba, being the brutally honest one, foiled my plan and spilled the beans. I must say that my plan was still the most logical, because if bubba had tried to pin that little rose on him with the giant needle she had, she would have given him a heart transplant and I doubt we could have stopped the bleeding. It all worked out in the end. Enough said. I'm old. My daughters are getting bigger and more beautiful everyday, and I have no idea how to make a boutonniere. I'll practice for the Weasel's Homecoming.

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