I also had to throw in a picture of the girls looking out the window and Macie with her hat on.
In other news, the girls are very excited about the Robin that decided to build its nest on the light fixture out our back door. I thought about tearing it down before it laid any eggs, but I was quickly vetoed by a 5 and 3-year old. They have me check every day to see if there are any 'blue eggs' yet. None yet, but we'll keep you posted.
Cute cute cute girls! And way to go Riles...wahoo!! Keep up the good work, little missy! Does this mean we'll get to see a gymnastics routine for the talent show at the reunion???
That's Riley at the window?! I thought it was Kacie or Jamie! She looks so old from behind! Riley's routine was so fun to watch. I loved the finishing pose!
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