Here is a picture of Lorna Alder and me at her 103rd birthday celebration. Isn't she adorable. She was sharp as a tack, and reminded me of Gma Johnson (my gma not Karen). She told me she was born and raised until she was 12 in the Mexican colonies in Chihuahua, Mexico, having to move a couple of times during the revolution.
The brithday celebration was part of a Daughters of The Utah Pioneers get together. Because it was an "official" meeting, the secretary put my name in the minutes, and I had to have my picture taken with about 10 ladies "for the record." I've never felt so famous in my life. One day, in a 30 or 40 years, someone is going to go through the DUP minutes and come across my picture and say, "who the hell is that." I'm honored.
Don't worry Keith, in 30-40 years everyone will just think you were one of the Granddaughters of the Utah Pioneers (GUP).
That's cool Keith!
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