Macie had a great B-Day and was spoiled by all the presents from the Johnson's. She played with her sprinkler today and has been riding her bike non-stop. I woke her up Sunday morning (we gave her the bike from Gma and Gpa J Saturday night) for church and before I could say good morning she was putting on her flip-flops and said, "I'm going to go ride my bike."
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
save money on a casket

Here is what it's SUPPOSED to look like when riding the later mentioned motorcycle class. The helmet is simply there so you have something to superglue onto a mannequins body at the viewing. You can then remove the mannequins body and bury my head in the helmet. It's environmentally friendly I hear.
face planted firmly in the soil
I'm glad to see that I'm not the only bonehead Johnson who has experienced potentially fatal accidents in ID Falls. Good thing that slide wasn't set up next to the fence, or there'd be a new gate, and Todd would look like Pinnochio the wooden boy. Welcome to my window well world Wally. I will, however, give Todd props on the level of difficulty and the dismount.
p.s. How's the garden looking this year.
P.s.s. There may be an added level of injury introduced into the Johnson family. I have signed up for a Superbike (bullet bike) class at the Miller Sportspark Race Track here in Tooele. They invited media to come out and shred the course on a guided missile with wheels, and I figured I'd be the most likely to rebound from serious injury. How hard could it be to go up to 120 mph on a motorcycle on steroids? I'll keep you posted. Tell my mother I loved her. Give my children a good home.
p.s. How's the garden looking this year.
P.s.s. There may be an added level of injury introduced into the Johnson family. I have signed up for a Superbike (bullet bike) class at the Miller Sportspark Race Track here in Tooele. They invited media to come out and shred the course on a guided missile with wheels, and I figured I'd be the most likely to rebound from serious injury. How hard could it be to go up to 120 mph on a motorcycle on steroids? I'll keep you posted. Tell my mother I loved her. Give my children a good home.
Monday, May 25, 2009
World Record Slide
We've had a fun weekend thus far and wanted to post a few pictures of all the comings and goings. Of course we forgot our camera at Valerie's parents so we will have to post all the important pictures later today. However, I did email myself a video from Saturday. Valerie's parents rented an inflatable water slide that encouraged many grown men to do stupid things. Enjoy!
Friday, May 22, 2009
JFR 2009
Hello Reunion Attendees. I don't have a full entry of information because Scott is about to take our one and only computer with him to work, but I just want to let you know I am currently getting information about the reunion and when I have more than 30 seconds with a computer, will give you all a full report. Todd was asking about check in/check out. The earliest we can check in is Thursday, July 2nd at 2pm...possibly 3 if the house is still being cleaned at 2. Check out is Sunday, July 5th at 11am.
There are a lot of things to do, and I'll give more detail soon!
Looking forward to some Glacier fun!
There are a lot of things to do, and I'll give more detail soon!
Looking forward to some Glacier fun!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Riles or.....?
Ms. Riles, you're a STAR!!! Bubba, The Weasel and I LOVED your gymnastics routine. You did such a great job. Did you learn all your moves from your daddy? He has the exact same leotard in his closet (he might be in there with it). I thought it might be him for a minute until you did one of your moves and I didn't see the "Twin Peaks." He can explain.
We miss you girls. The girls and I love you Freckles, Mace Face and Chucky.
We miss you girls. The girls and I love you Freckles, Mace Face and Chucky.
My new sweetheart

Here is a picture of Lorna Alder and me at her 103rd birthday celebration. Isn't she adorable. She was sharp as a tack, and reminded me of Gma Johnson (my gma not Karen). She told me she was born and raised until she was 12 in the Mexican colonies in Chihuahua, Mexico, having to move a couple of times during the revolution.
The brithday celebration was part of a Daughters of The Utah Pioneers get together. Because it was an "official" meeting, the secretary put my name in the minutes, and I had to have my picture taken with about 10 ladies "for the record." I've never felt so famous in my life. One day, in a 30 or 40 years, someone is going to go through the DUP minutes and come across my picture and say, "who the hell is that." I'm honored.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Riley's First Gymnastics Meet
Riley had her first gymnastics meet today. She took second in both floor and beam! - the French judge seemed out to get her. She did awesome and was very confident and poised considering all the people there.
I also had to throw in a picture of the girls looking out the window and Macie with her hat on.
In other news, the girls are very excited about the Robin that decided to build its nest on the light fixture out our back door. I thought about tearing it down before it laid any eggs, but I was quickly vetoed by a 5 and 3-year old. They have me check every day to see if there are any 'blue eggs' yet. None yet, but we'll keep you posted.

I also had to throw in a picture of the girls looking out the window and Macie with her hat on.
In other news, the girls are very excited about the Robin that decided to build its nest on the light fixture out our back door. I thought about tearing it down before it laid any eggs, but I was quickly vetoed by a 5 and 3-year old. They have me check every day to see if there are any 'blue eggs' yet. None yet, but we'll keep you posted.
Friday, May 01, 2009
The color in the photo is VERY vibrant. It looks awful on my computer screen published in the blog. You get the jist.

Janet has informed me that the photo I posted on the blog IS NOT the photo on display at the museum. They somehow mixed the titles up and have the wrong title on the pciture hanging. The picture haning is called Bitter. Sweet. It is a picture of a boarded up SugarHouse storefront before it was torn down to make way for the ever-so-popular residential/retail development. Thus, bitter about being torn down and Sweet as in Sugarhouse. I'm a rocket scientist. Here's the real picture.
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