Amidst the total craziness of my working/teaching life right now, I was able to sneak away to Phoenix last week to see my 8th John Mayer concert! Here are some pictures from the
Mayer-ific adventure!
With my friend/partner in crime Steph before the, I am so dang pale!

That's right...JM concert #8, baby!
With my friend/partner in crime Steph before the, I am so dang pale!
That's right...JM concert #8, baby!
John's outfit was...well...unfortunate, to say the least! What's with the man-pris and the wrestler-looking shoes?? I mean, what good does it do to have Jennifer Aniston as your girlfriend if she doesn't do wardrobe control?!
John in action
Post-concert eats! Concert-going can make you very hungry!
The end of the road...time to say good-bye!
It was a fun time...despite the fact that there were only about 28.5 hours between the time I left for Phoenix and the time I returned to Vegas! I guess now that this adventure is behind me, it's time to start planning for concert #9!!
You live in Las Vegas, so your fair skin could easily be remedied, but fair skin will keep you looking younger longer!
Now, concerning John's attire. Strange, I agree. But before he goes running his concert attire by Jenn Jenn (that's what I like to call her), he needs to know that US Magazine, or some such source, once informed the public that J.J. (another name I like to call her) wasn't always a fashion queen herself. In fact, her style was quite bad and she had to be trained how to dress (aka: told what to wear because she had no sense of style.) Maybe that's why they're so much in love. Their lack of style sense drew them together. Young love...I give them another month, 2 tops.
Hope your semester is going well, Professor Johnson!
Hey, this is Jamie, i was just wondering why janet wants felix to grow his hair out but is always nagging my dad to cut his shorter!!!! lol :)
anyways, macie learned how to escape her new cage on her crib. naughty girl, and she threw valerie's phone in the sink, and ate my chapstick, and she keeps dumping water all over the kitchen floor!!!Other than that we,ve had a pretty good week picking beans, making jam, chasing the girls, and jumping on the tramp!!
How did she get out?! Can she unzip it? She's quite a tenacious little girl. Keep her away from Rex because I don't want her to share her escape tactics with him :)
When are you going to come watch our boys for a week, Jamie?
Sounds like a crazy, fun time!
Just to clarify--It isn't Felix who has a buzz cut--it is Rex! And 1 inch is not long compared to Keith's hair.
The last couple days has still been crazy macie even broke my phone .
and i thought it was felix but it was rex. i can't belive that was your 8th john mayer concert amy, you're are crazy how can you sit their and watch him 8 times, anyways i wish i could of come with you!!!!!! :) love you lots everybody.
and by the way its jamie not valerie
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