My class is finally over, but now I'm in the midst of grading heck to get my students' grades turned in by noon on Tuesday. I'm very very very very very glad that the class is over, and I will be even happier when I'm done grading and can wash my hands of this whole thing! Anyway, perhaps as a way to remind myself that this experience had some bright moments, I thought I'd share one of the projects that one of my students did. They had to do a character trading card on a character from Because of Winn-Dixie with a visual on the front and information about the character on the back. This girl created her visual with yarn, buttons, material, etc. It is lovely that I asked her if I could keep it, and may frame it to hang up somewhere! I know that the picture doesn't really do it justice, but it'll give you some idea. Enjoy:

Now your know how all teachers feel. Take heart, yours is only an occasional class. I'm sure Valerie could tell you about teaching English!!!
I spent many nights and weekends grading essays...I don't think I could force myself to read THE HOBBIT again for a million dollars. Good luck making it to the end :)
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