Where to start? First of all, it's Valerie. The weekend in Driggs was fun, but I knew before we even left that the RIGHT thing to do was to pack up and come home Sat. night so we could go to church. Well, to say the least, we were exhausted after hiking all day Saturday and tucked the kids in for an early bed. We sluffed church and Macie burned her legs. Lesson learned. The burns didn't look too bad on Sunday. I called the pediatrician; the nurse told me to put neosporin on them and keep them covered, so I did. Macie cried when it happened, took a nap, and seemed completely fine when she woke up. When we got home I changed her dressings and saw that the skin had turned black. I looked up burns on the internet to see that the worst possible burns are "painless" due to nerve damage. I immediately freaked out since Macie showed no signs of pain. I called Janet for advice (thanks :)) and went to the ER since it was now 8:05 and, of course, the instacares all closed at 8. I was a wreck and crying, but Macie was on cloud nine. She was jumping all over the chairs, (sliding down them,which made me cringe every time knowing that that poor burned skin was underneath) and having a great time. A nurse informed us that there were 55 patients waiting. After I calmed down and let Macie play in the ER for two hours, we decided she could obviously wait till the next day to see her pediatrician. the pediatrician sent us to the wound/burn center at the hospital. The Dr. said it was 2nd and 3rd degree with some exposed nerves. She just sat there the whole time and let him do whatever he wanted. He was flabbergasted that Macie didn't cry and scream when he removed the dressings and had to pull some of the dead skin off. He made sure she still had feeling by poking her everywhere, and she eventually pulled her leg back. He said she was the toughest patient he'd ever had. (When I have had to call back and ask questions I explain who I am and they say, "Oh, that tough little girl with the burned legs?") Anyway, she is fine. Yesterday they said by next week the new skin should be growing! I did, however, let her get wet today at the splash park, so hopefully that doesn't slow things down. I couldn't say no to this special event...she loved it! Apparently I didn't learn my lesson as Riley got herself a pretty good bumburn. I take no responsibility for this. I tried my hardest to apply sunscreen to her legs, but she wasn't about to have it. She has a million scratches on her legs (she always tries to slide during her t-ball games) and says that the sunscreen stings too bad.
So there is our week in review. Charlotte had her 4 month check-up today. She is in the 50th percentile for height and weight and her head is in the 90th. We are so proud :) Enjoy the pics...and thanks for putting little Mace on the temple lists. You guys are the best!
I'm glad that Macie is doing well, and that she hasn't been in pain...that is good news!! Thanks for posting pictures, Val! It's fun to go to check the blog and have new stuff to look at! :) Sounds like Charlotte got grandpa's big noggin...it's a miracle she can hold it up!! :) Tell Riley that I hope her bumburn gets better soon! :) Lots and lots of love to everyone!
I have heard of red in the face--but Riley qualifies for red in the rear.
The name for whom I performed the Ordinances last Wednesday was Macie --last name Longenecker. I had never heard the name before Macie Johnson.
Val! Macie is a trooper. She must take after her mom. The pictures about made me cry it looked SO painful. I hope she is all better now. Hope to see you soon. Jen
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