Remember me? KJ. You know, the oldest, best looking, most intelligent and humble son. If that doesn't ring a bell, I'm sure you remeber my children, Bubba and the Weasel. I decided that I needed to join the family blog for a few reasons: 1) Even if I don't find my own existence that exciting, I find my children's lives quite amusing and figure their aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents might also. 2) I want to get in good graces with all of you, to secure a place in all of your substantial wills. and 3) It is a condition of my parole.
Here is a picture of the Weasel with her spiffy new glasses. She is quite proud of them and is dang cute if you ask me. Besides, they match both her eyes and her Vegas earrings (not that she cares much about matching). Just ask Janet.
I'm also trying to take a couple of photos of myself on various assignments for my own records as well as to give folks an idea of the fun and interesting people/places I encounter often. Here are my phot offerings for tonght. Hopefully I won't take another 4 months to post again.
Glad to have you back, hermano. The Weasel does indeed look very cute in her new glasses.
And the photo of you looks quite interesting, but you neglected to say, so I have to ask, 'where were you in it'?
I saw that you took some photos of Rulon Gardner in today's paper...Did you ask him why he's such a COTTON-HEADED-NINNY-MUGGINS? I think he just makes all these stories up.
Wow...how nice to have you back in the fold! Of course, you did post once or twice before and then abandon ship, so we'll see how long it lasts! :) Your 4-eyed Weasel is DANG cute (as always), and it was so cool to read about your interesting experiences! No offense to the ketchup king and the storage prince, but I think your job beats everyone's as far as excitement!
Hey! Box Herding was recently rated as one of the top-1000 jobs by Beats Sticking A Fork In Your Eye Magazine.
HA!! Yeah, well being the Interim Head of a small University Library got voted as one of the favorite jobs by the Journal of People Who Like to be Underpaid for Their Work.
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