Sunday, March 10, 2013


We loved having you all come celebrate Felix's baptism, Max's blessing and 
according to Daphne, her birthday.

Daphne eating her birthday/baptism cake

after Felix's baptism
Baptism Day...notice Scott's snazzy bow tie

Max on his blessing day...Lizzy remembered that he's wearing the same vest all the boys wore on their blessing days :)

Max was not cooperating for Lizzy's auntie picture.  I hope Keith had better luck.

Keith came bearing gifts, one of which was a giant bubble wand.  So cool!

Lizzy watching "Alf", "Haaa! I kill me!" 

Rex having a go at the bubble wand

Felix's turn


1 comment:

Amy J said...

Holy cow...I need a place after each picture to make comments! Impossible to fit all my comments in here! ;) Looks like a good time was had by all, and there sure was a lot of cuteness! Love you guys...sending some of our Vegas sunshine your way!