Sunday, January 20, 2013

Antique White

Today Daphne wore a dress I've had for years from Maggie's treasure collection.  I've waited so long to have a little girl who would fit into it, and now it has come to pass!  When she put it on she said, "It's a little bit yellow, Mommy." I told her it's true to life antique white :)  

I can't remember who's dress this was?  I'm not even sure it's actually a dress...maybe it's a slip? petticoat?  Do you know the story of the dress, Maggie? 


Maggie said...

Wow! Sarah Senile doesn't remember whose dress/slip it was! Miss Dephane certainly looks adorable though! I have more treasures I'm trying to give away before we make the move to our new home. Found my own Blessing Dress in mom's cedar chest. Grandma Syme made's antique white, but no holes. Antique dishes anyone? Quilts? Jewelry belonging to Libby and Bella? Oval picture frames(6)which held the pictures of the 6 Johnson kids. Let me know!!!

Valerie said...

Ooh, I would never pass up on antique quilts! And I don't think my girls would ever pass up on jewelry! If you have space to hold on to them till this summer, of course.
I love that dress on daphne. Adorable.
Maggie, we need some pics of your new house. How exciting! Hope everyone is doing well! We miss you guys!

Scott said...

I'd be interested in quilts and jewelry, too...whatever Valerie doesn't want. The frames sound interesting, too. -Margie