Monday, November 28, 2011

Aunt Amy!

We love it when Amy comes to visit. She was definitely heaven sent this trip. Because she was here, I was able to steal away to New York City for a day where I met Scott, spent some time in the city and then drove home with him that night. We also were able to make Thanksgiving dinner virtually uninterrupted while she locked herself away with the kids! In addition, she also did story time for Rex's preschool class, let Daphne drag her around the house while she held her stash, made crafts and played games with the boys, cleaned up a jug of spilled milk, cleaned up a clogged, overflowed toilet, broke her toe, went on to play laser tag with a broken toe, watched a polar bear swim over our heads at the zoo (while walking around the zoo broken toed), and just made us happy she was there. We had fun and miss her a ton!

Daphne's favorite activity was looking at the "berbils" with Amy
At the zoo
Dropping Amy off at the sad

1 comment:

Amy J said...

This has been a WONDERFUL month with all of my Aunt Amy time! I LOOOOOOVE being an aunt...just wish I could get paid to do it full time! :) Thanks for letting me was so so so so good to spend time with all of you! Love you super duper times a million-billion!