Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hello from the 'burghers

I've done a little blogging if you're interested.  BLOG

Just an update on what's going on, Scott is working in NY and coming home on the weekends.  He rents a room in a house in Connecticut with a few other LDS guys.  The kids and I were supposed to drive out to NY this weekend and stay in Manhattan with Scott, but due to the flooding in Eastern Pennsylvania we opted out.  Scott is going to stay at the sublet we reserved tonight by himself...hopefully far enough from any car bombs as possible.  We're just waiting for a full time job offer to come through for him somewhere, but for now, we'll take what we have. 

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Oh my, you have been busy! I love all the pics and comments on the go go blog. I am sure you are loving being a single mom Monday thru Friday...atleast you have Rex at school :)
Is Scott liking NYC? If you have to move there, I think we may have to come visit :)
How crazy would that be? Crazy.
(You guys living in the big city, not us visiting...although that would be a little bit crazy!)