Saturday, June 04, 2011

Daphne Prays

Daphne loves saying prayers throughout dinner...over and over and over again.

Here's a video of the translations the boys gave Daphne's prayers.


Valerie said...

I love that the boys fold their arms each time she says it!

Amy J said...

Cute cute cute cute! Does she have certain things that she says in her prayers? Good thing Felix didn't really blow up! :D We'll miss you at the reunion, but it will be fun to see you in California at the end of the summer! X-) Love you! <3

Valerie said...

WHAT!!!??? You aren't coming!!???

Scott said...

We're bummed about not coming, but we have 2 weddings this summer in my family, plus a drive to TX to see TX cousins since the boys haven't been there in 2 years. And with our Haiti trip, it just turned out to be too much. :(