Monday, March 07, 2011


In the car today -
Charlotte: "Grandpa is my boyfriend."
Macie: "I have twenty hundred boyfriends.
All the boys at school that want to play with me...
Uncle Keith...
Justin Beiber...
And lots more that I don't know their names."


JimmySyme said...

Well, I didn't make Macie's list, but with 20 hundred others, that's not a very exclusive group. On the other hand...I was the only one Charlotte list. She is sooooo cute!

Amy J said...

Cute, funny girls! I have the same problem as Macie...just the part about the boyfriends whose names I don't know! :)

Margie said...

Wow, Justin Beiber. It really starts that young with little girls?! Those girls are too much!

On the other side of things, our conversations in the car go something like this:

(On a rainy day when the car windows are covered with rain drops)

Rex: "Mom, you can see my brain. It's in little parts now, right there (pointing to the windshield), right there (pointing to the window) right there (pointing to another window) and right there (yet another window).

And Felix figured out how to take the headrest off the bucket seats, so now the boys use them as guns to shoot all the passing cars.

Valerie said...

Macie admitted to having no idea who Justin Beiber is :)