Monday, April 12, 2010

Baby Blessing and Mr. McFeeley

We've been having a blast with Grandma, Grandpa and Lizzy visiting and wanted to post some pictures from the two most exciting things that we did this weekend.

#1 was Scott blessing Daphne at church on Sunday. The day was very special, and we were happy that some of our "non-church" friends were able to attend.

Daphne all dolled up for her blessing
(Thanks for the Mary Jane's Maggie!)

#2 was meeting David Newell, aka: Mr. McFeeley from Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, at the studio where Mr. Roger's Neighborhood was filmed. I think this was the highlight of Lizzy's trip who fired off questions for him and made it very clear to him that she preferred to be called "Lizzy" not "Elizabeth".

Speedy Delivery!

In front of the tree house for Henrietta Pussycat and X the Owl

Lizzy and her favorite neighbor

We'll have more pictures to post after today!


Valerie said...

Daphne looks so cute! When I saw the title of the post, I really thought there was gong to be a good story about a creepy guy...couldn't have imagined it was the REAL Mr. McFeeley - what an honor!

Anonymous said...

That Daphne is sooo cute.

Maggie said...

I love Daphne's beautiful white dress with the pink accents! She is a doll--so much expression for one so young!

I had to ask Amy about Mr. McFeely-I must have been teaching when Mr. Rogers was doing his neighborhood thing, but I know Lizzy LOVES Mr. Rogers!!! Glad she got to meet Mr. M!

Amy J said...

That baby is so so cute...and what a little picture poser already! ;)

I'm sure that Lizzy's head almost exploded upon meeting Mr. McF! I was just meow-meow sorry that you meow-meow didn't get to see meow-meow Henrietta Pussycat meow-meow! :) It's going to be hard for Maggie and I to top that excitement when Lizzy comes to Vegas, unless we FINALLY run into George Clooney in Hollywood...right Lizzy?! :)