Welcome Daphne Hope Johnson, born 9:32am 2/26/2010; 9lbs 6oz; 21-3/4" long.
Margie and Daphne are both doing well, or "great" as Felix and Rex would say.

Mom and baby in the delivery room. All went very smoothly.

An alternate guardian

Rex plugging his nose because he thought the hospital (not his sister) was "stinky."

Watching (and listening quietly, to allow mom to rest) to the BYU-UNM game in the recovery room...hoping Daphne would bring the Cougars good luck.

Daphne with her daddy back in the recovery room.

She was really checking me out Sunday morning.

Daphne's protectors.

She definitely looks like she belongs. The picture on Facebook was adorable. It appears that Felix is already the proud Big Brother. How is Rex with the little sister???
She is adorable. It makes me sad that we aren't having a baby girl...there is just something so special and sweet about pink and baby girls. Did Margie end up being induced, or did she go into labor? We need the nitty-gritty details!
Are you guys prepared for the girliness? DO you need some pink stuff? I may have a bit if you'd like some :)
Congratulations!!! And good luck taking her home. YOu'll have to let us know how the boys get along. - Valerie
Both the boys have been super so far...keeping our fingers crossed. It's been fun staying home with them, too. Tonight when I was putting Felix to bed, he told me he didn't want to go to school tomorrow, because he doesn't want to waste any time while I'm home from work. Ahhhh, so sweet.
Marge was induced, and once she started pushing, it only took about 3-or-so contractions, roughly 10 minutes. It was just about three hours start to finish from the time the started the pitocin.
A friend of Margie's who has two little girls close to Felix and Rex's ages just gave her a couple big bins of clothes, too, so we're pretty good there.
Thanks for all the kind thoughts and prayers.
We feel so blessed, eight beautiful grandchildren and another one on the way, we love you all. Grnadma and Grandpa
What a cute little sweetie pie! Can't wait to meet her, and see her cute brothers too! Sometime we'll have to Skype it up so I can see all of you Pittsburghers! Love you lots!
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