Felix turned 5 on Sunday! He is convinced that being 5 means he knows everything now. He often prefaces his comments to Rex with, "When you're 5, you'll be able to..." He also asked me, in all sincerity, "Mom, am I old enough to drive now?" We had a fun birthday weekend at a small indoor waterpark where we played while Pittsburgh got pounded by 2 feet of snow. We're supposed to get more snow throughout the rest of the day today, which is fine with me because my #1 pregnancy craving right now is...snow! Thanks for the wonderful birthday well wishing phone calls, cards, and thank you Grandma, Grandpa, Lisa & Lizzy for the wonderful birthday and Valentine's package. The boys were thrilled with everything and we love you all very much!
In other news, we've finally made it to the 2 week countdown to the new baby. I had an appointment yesterday, and my doctor was concerned that I was measuring small (Seriously?? I'm a tank!) compared to how I was measuring with the boys at this time. So, she sent me to get an ultrasound, and baby proved the doc wrong by having a current estimated weight of 8 lb 8oz. We'll see how accurate it really is in a couple of weeks! Scott is in the midst of a weight loss contest at work and has currently lost almost 12 pounds. We are trying to meet in the middle with our weight which is not that far off from each other. Yikes!

Felix lost his 2nd tooth a few weeks ago

Felix beaming at the water park

The boys warming up in the hot tub

Rex finally conceded to going down the slides alone and had a blast

The next stage of boyhood toys has begun...Bakugan

Felix and his friend Matthew blowing out his birthday candle

Thanks Aunt Lisa! Felix loves his alien...so does Rex!

The aftermath of shoveling our driveway upon returning home from our weekend getaway

The boys hip-deep in snow in the backyard

Our snow fort decorated with colored water